Fiction Imprisonment

Let your fictions keep you.Let your possessions wreath youIn a cloak of impersonalityWhere you will never have to stomach the venomOf a mortal touch, regardless of warmth or consideration,Where you can shed identity in favor of a shapeshifting maskTo don the faces you indulge to outsource emotionAnd synthesize connection.You have imprisoned yourself in your own... Continue Reading →

The Only Truth That Matters

I don't know how to look you in the eye and tell youThat everything is just better with you.Each day in your absence feels as though I have been consigned to Tartarus—Punishment for the most grievous offenses—And perhaps my own transgressions are withholding truths you deserve to know:There is nothing beautiful in this world without... Continue Reading →

Ripples of Wrath

As it turns out, it's not only the Texans who rage.In fact, the ripples of wrathful destruction prevail sans yielding to culture or locus—Which means I can rage, too;And I can fuck and fight with the best of them,Excepting corporeal victorySince I sacrificed somatic sensations in ritualistic suicide.No, my forestalled triumph will invade the everlasting,And... Continue Reading →

The Stranger

I can't tell you how happy you make me,Because then I'm too sappy.I can't tell you how much you mean to me,Because then I'm obsessive.I can't tell you how much I miss you every time we’re apart,Because then I'm too sentimental.I can't tell you how often I dream about you,Because then I'm a silly romantic.I... Continue Reading →

Summoning a Weapon of Mass Destruction

This will be my final resting place,Buried for crimes I had no part in.You have passed this death sentence onto me,Knowing full well the depth of my obeisance,So strong that I would never dare disobey,Nor abscond like a coward;And yet, your reward for a lifetime of sacrifice to your governanceWill be a forgotten death.The last... Continue Reading →

Proximate Absence

It's funny how you haven't noticed how the light has left my eyes,Because you can't even be bothered to look in my direction to save your life.You say all the things that I think you wished you mean,But when it comes down to life you're hardly in mine.In the last six months I could count... Continue Reading →


I have thought about you everything there is to think about a person:The beautiful, the ugly, the profound, the despicable, the boastful, the shameful.I can’t even write them down anymore,Because I would never do anything else as long as I lived.But despite all the compliments I wish to rain on youAnd the castigations I wish... Continue Reading →

A Stranger Once Alive, Now Chaos

I thought I knew rage, I thought I was wrath,But these vices are only tantrums when tethered to meaning.It is only when a stranger loses all sense of purpose—All motivation, all ambition, all drive—That he ceases to know rage, to be wrath,And becomes chaos.If what possessed me before was darkness,There are no words in any... Continue Reading →

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